Delaware Valley University Visit for Career Development Learning
The Journey of Student Teaching: Day 36 FFA Reflections: Career Development Practice in a University not Like PSU Essential Question for this week: What is something you learned about CDE Practices this weekend? CV FFA ended their National FFA week by jumpin on a bus and going all the way down to Ms Rombergers undergraduate location of Delaware Vally Universtiy. Here the Delaware Vally Collegiate FFA Alumni Chapter hosted a career development event intense practice. Here students got to work together and practice different CDE competitions such as Livestock judging, vet Sciences, floriculture, diary products evaluation, agricultural Mechanics, food Science, and horse evaluation. The students got to interact with students from three states as they practiced and learned more about the national level competitions that are typically very similar to the state level ones. What was cool about this trip was how close the students have become to me. Instead of me just...