FFA Week at CV: Sleep is Optional this week

The Journey of Student Teaching: Day 35

Fifth Week Reflections: When Sleep is an Option and so Totally Worth it for National FFA Week

Essential Question for this week:

  • What is something you learned while teaching this week?

During national ffa week the officers and the committee chairs worked their buts off planning an intense week of exciting activities. So I’ll talk about all of my students everyday and the exciting this they did this week:

Tuesday: Celebrate FFA 

To kick off celebrate FFA the students wore FFA swag. I put on one of my FFA ties to support the festivities. What I saw this week wasn't all the kids participating but instead multiple kids going, "Darn! I forgot!" Also, it was pretty cool to be the Ag Teacher for a week and be the excited one to see all of the participation in the activities. I enjoyed today because of the excitement I saw in my students on what FFA Week meant to them.

Wednesday: Career Success

Wednesday the kids got to dress up in clothing that demonstrated their understanding in what they want to accomplish for National FFA Week.  What was pretty cool here was how a lot of kids were creative in how they dressed up for their careers. In my intro to ag classes I tried to tie into the class what was happening in the classroom was going to help them in the future with SAE selection this week too.

Thursday: Blue and Gold Standards

Thursday the kids got their chance at wearing their FFA Official Dress during the school day. One of the big things I heard from the students is them all wearing their official dress was the talk of the school.  It was also cool to see how many students have their official dress and then them get ready for different events as well.  Also, the students acted different in their OD (possibly more confident) which is always fun to see how the OD impacts the students.

The other neat thing that happened today was the Greenhand Ceremony. Students and Family were invited to observe the coolness that is the Greenhand ceremony which helped students see where their FFA involvement could go. A lot of the kids went up and talked to me as well which was surprising as well.

Friday: Green Day

To celebrate the Greenhands we also wore Green all day on Friday.  The kids loved the opportunity to feel like they matter by celebrating their success as greenhands. The students also got to host the faculty with a luncheon which was a nice way for the teachers to enjoy a Friday.

The big thing I saw this week is how stressful this week can be if the kids don't get involved with FFA week. I saw that with this week it is important to recruit students into the involvement of the activities of the activities will fail.  I am not excited to be in charge of something like this next year but I also know that having seen one chapter do it how it can be a success and be done.

To Be Continued . . .


  1. George, thanks for sharing all of the neat things that CV did for FFA Week. What was the biggest challenge you faced in helping to plan and make all of the activities a reality? What was your favorite/most successful moment of the week?


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