Being an Ag Teacher is just Ewe-tastic

Being an Ag Teacher is just Ewe-tastic

SAE Visits Filled with Sheep

Finishing up my student teaching experience I got a chance to do a final SAE Visit. Two brothers that I had the privilege to teach this semester both raise sheep on the farm that I am staying at and so I had the chance to meet up with them and learn more about their operation.

Both brother's share the responsibilities of raising the animals.  Often one of their parents will tag along but what I saw was more student working while the parent was supervising and making sure that the animals were being cared for.  This made me think that this experience was student driven which is a plus on an SAE visit.  

Tried to take a picture of one of the lambs it decided that it wanted to try my phone as a mid day snack

Both boys raise sheep (primarily cross-breeds they told me) with a collection of Ewes, Weathers  (or soon to be), Rams, and lambs.  When I asked one brother a question he would answer and the other brother would jump in giving more information but on a different animal. One of the questions I asked was on the lamb feed and why they were giving that feed and right away the other brother started telling me about the adult feed they give and why as well.  See two brothers very knowledgeable in what they were doing was fantastic.

One of the questions I asked them was their goals and both want to stay in the agricultural industry with one brother thinking about expanding their sheep operation and the other brother just not sure what he wants to get out of his animals.  It is pretty cool seeing how both brothers want to be successful in their experiences of raising the animals.  Something else that was nice to see was how the brothers were aware of the success in their classes has helped them in their raising the animals.  One brother learned a lot in animal science with giving shots and understanding better ways to raise the animals while the other really enjoyed how animal nutrition is vital for healthy growth.  

Couldn't resist a Meme

What was cool about this trip was seeing the kids have such passion for their project and utilizing what they are learning in the classroom to help them determine a path forward.  This experience has made me enjoy teaching even more now.  I can't wait to learn how I can be an Ewe-n better Ag Teacher (Saw what I did there?)

To Be Continued . . . 


  1. George, its really neat that you got to see an SAE that was a collaboration between 2 FFA members and showcased their strengths from what they learned in class! Thanks for such a punny and informative post!


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