Running the show at SLLC

Running my First FFA Trip: Mr. Dietrich is in Charge at SLLC During Week Twelve

Student Teaching Day 60: Weekly Reflection

Objectives of the blog:

  • Reflect on this weeks experience

This week was a little intense. Here was the run down:

Sunday - Tuesday: SLLC
Wednesday: Snow Day
Thursday: 2hr delay (taught for a total of 3 hrs.)
Friday: Student Teaching In-service

So what was my big take away this week?  I would say it was SLLC.  Why? I was given control as to what we were doing while at SLLC.  Originally we had planned that I would be the primary chaperone on the CV Spring Break Trip.  That trip was unfortunately cancelled.  As a result it became my job of planning the minor details of the trip.

So what did I do?  I learned the details behind getting things such as school vans, registering school trips, how to get permission forms out, the list is long but it can get done at reasonable times.  A great tip I learned is take a day in August and reserve vans for when you will need them for the year, for example ACES, State Convention, SLLC, CDE Trips, National Conferences, etc. etc.

Brought 6 Students to SLLC for a great trip!

My job though was coordinating with the students making sure they knew what was needed and what was expected of them.  I was very grateful for having such a good number of students with me.  The things I learned this week were not in the classroom though which I find beneficial.

Cutting ceiling tiles to replace damaged ones
I learned that my students love doing community service work.  I was nervous about how my students would feel doing community service all day but instead they acted like they didn't want to leave. My students got the chance to volunteer hours cleaning up a volunteer fire department. Fire departments usually don't have the time to do a lot of repairs right away especially when they are volunteer based.  I got to get my hands dirty along with my students as they worked around the fire department helping fix the little things around the fire hall.  Once the work was over one of my students who is a junior volunteer firefighter showed some of us the "bells and whistles" around the different trucks that were parked ready to go.  My students also got the chance to see how quickly firefighters move when they get a call as well.

Showing one student around the cab of the firetruck 

What was also another good experience at SLLC was getting to see my students be advocates for education to legislatures.  They got the chance to talk to two difference legislatures from their district which was a neat experience to see students advocate for stuff they were all passionate about.

But by far the best part about the trip was getting the chance to interact with members of the PA Ag Ed Family.  From Cohort work times to getting a chance to talk to older ag teachers it was a good time.  By far the best time was getting to participate in the "Late Night Ag Teacher Show - Courtesy Corp" I'd like to think the my role in making sure high school students went to bed is worthy of an academy award but I think what was most impressive was how quiet it got so quickly in the hallways once they realized that there were Ag Teachers in the hallways patrolling.

This trip was a blast and I learned a lot. The one thing I learned that I know I would have been taught is how to deal with situations rapidly and carefully.  Something that I found intimidating at first is the whole "What are we going to do now?" question but now I am beginning to see it all work out perfectly.  I have enjoyed this trip and can't wait for the next one!

To Be Continued . . . 


  1. George, just like with out students, some of the best learning happens outside of the walls of a classroom. Glad to see you had a successful and enjoyable trip to SLLC with students. These trips will produce some of the best memories you have of your teaching experience. -Jon

  2. George, so glad SLLC was a great experience for you and you got to take the reins in planning and chaperoning a field trip. These experiences and knowing what to do to plan and carry out a positive field trip will be very valuable once you have your own classroom.


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