Dietrich v Senioritis (2018)
The Journey of Student Teaching: Day 45
Mr. Dietrich vs Seniors and Their Senioritis
Essential Question for this week:
What is something you learned this week while student teaching?
I find it very intriguing how some of the students look at what they are learning like "Oh I am almost done and I should just not do anything." And then I have to think about ways I can get them motivated. This has also been a fun challenge for me as well. I often find myself trying new ways to keep the class engaging. For example when introducing methods of creating GMOs with the seniors I found it to be easiest when they each looked up one type and then shared out-loud something that they learned. Of course now the comment made in the classes are: "Mr. Dietrich, when are we going to be back in the lab?"
I also found ways to connect to students even more and make the things they are learning even more real to them. For example somehow I had a breakthrough with the Animal Science students and now they love class again. Its even better with my 4th period class cause now they are talking. Even though I am at the half way mark with student teaching I feel like I am making progress which is a good thing. I am hoping for another good week of teaching.
George, glad to see that you haven't gotten senioritis in your final semester and are using the second half of your internship wisely! You shared that you had a lot of success this week with some classes you were struggling with, but can you please give us some more details? Tell us what caused your breakthrough with animal science and more of the ways you are keeping motivation for learning high!