Personal Teaching Philosophy

Personal Teaching Philosophy

To me when asked what is my personal teaching philosophy I find it tough to fully explain. Must of where I have come from influence my teaching philosophy but I am also excited to see where my teaching will take me. To me being an agriscience teacher is a lot but to me there are some things I know I believe in:

                I believe in Agricultural Education and its future in educating all individuals in society.  Today’s agricultural classroom has students with diverse backgrounds and unique reasons for choosing an agricultural classroom. As an agriscience educator it is my job to welcome and teach all that wish to learn. I believe as an educator it is my duty to provide to my students an experience which not only drives them to be better agriculturalists but also develops in them a respect for the agricultural industry. This respect will make my students agriculturally literate and also be able to make informed decisions and inform others on decisions in regards to the agricultural industry.

                I believe that my classroom will be set up to enable all kinds of learning.  There will be space for students to sit in desks where they can work alone, in pairs, or in groups; for students to stand and move; and space for students to learn in different styles.  I will have this style of classroom to hit multiple kinds of student learners in a hope that all students can succeed in my classroom. Through this I hope that my student will be engaged because this space is built for them to succeed.

                I believe that for a student to learn they must be invested in their own education.  Inquiry based learning puts the education into the hands of the student.  This makes students want to learn not just what they are asked but then answers their own questions that get asked along the way.  Inquiry learning though is best done if the students have an individual to guide them through parts that may make the students struggle less in the overall learning experience.  I hope that by guiding my students, they will be invested in exploring topics pertaining to their education. 

I believe that a good educator asks from ones students more than they believe can be possibly given.  Asking more from students than they believe that they can give, is a healthy, challenging experience for students. Without a challenge, students will never feel a sense of accomplishment during their time as a learner. By making them feel a sense of accomplishment in their education, they will want to become lifelong learners. I believe to be that good educator makes this happen throughout the time a student is in the classroom. 

                I believe that FFA and 4-H provide an outlet for students to develop leadership skills. As an FFA advisor I know that time to time my students may call upon my knowledge to advise them on matters pertaining to the aspects of the organization.  In addition I also believe that as a FFA advisor it is my job to prepare my students to face the real world.  I will do this by training my students with experts in the field on Career/Leadership Development Event Teams, assist them in fundraising and community service learning, and lastly be a mentor for them as well. I will also invest time in the county 4-H program encouraging my FFA leadership to be engaged as well. This will not only let us develop 4-Hers as well but also get our FFA Chapter out there and potentially recruit students into our chapter as well.  Where FFA doesn’t fit 4-H fits and I know that I will be there to see my students improve into the adults society expects of them through the hard work as an advisor and leader to them.

                I believe that to find the right job requires students to explore their options prior to college. To help my students to succeed from day one, I will encourage them to use things such as Supervised Agricultural Experiences. I believe that learning outside of the classroom by researching something they want to do, job shadowing an industry, working in a business, showing animals, whatever it is that they are passionate about, and do it.  I know that at times students may think that this is a bad idea but I know the value in experience outside the classroom.  I know that sometimes my students will not like my drive for them to do SAEs but I will work with them to find a unique SAE for them to learn more about a career.  I hope that one day my students will then realize that because they did, they learned what they wanted to do or not do.

                I believe that to be a good teacher also means that you are a mentor for them.  As a mentor I will hold myself to high professionalism in my classroom and will hold my students to such as well.  I believe that to be a professional also calls for action such as accepting all students into a program and ensuring three essential points: “I will not risk a student’s grades, life, and esteem/self.” I believe that to do this requires a room which has a zero tolerance for improper behavior and discrimination or derogatory words.  I will not use those terms ever in my classroom and will hold my students to those expectations as well. I believe that as a Teacher, I need students to realize that I am invested in all of them for them to want to buy into my program. 

                I believe that my classroom will follow all of these ideals so that my students can succeed. My students will succeed in my classroom, in leadership development, and in their futures because I will work to ensure that they will have such success. I recognize that I may be only one teacher in the system, my belief in my student’s potential will be what give them a chance to succeed.  

To Be Continued . . .


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