Shop Safety Highlight - Sucess on Day Twelve of Student Teaching
The Journey of Student Teaching: Day Twelve Special Class Reflection: A Different Look at Teaching Shop Safety Essential Questions for Today: Look back and Reflect upon your experiences of Week One. During my experiences at the National FFA Convention during the Pre-Student Teaching Inquiry Based Instruction Workshop I attended one of the last questions we were asked was: "How were we taught shop safety" Though I didn't have an Ag Shop Safety I can say that I was taught shop safety through my experiences in Project Lead the Way. When I try to remember how I learned shop safety I think it went something like this: Teacher Lectured I was bored Teacher gave us a test I was bored One of the questions we were asked then as future teachers is: "If this is how we were taught how can we use Inquiry Based Instruction to make a lesson on safety more important for the students?" Look at IBI I can see that the old way of teaching shop safety wa...