Welcome to Cargill - Reflections on the First two Weeks
Isn't this so cool!!! I get a helmet I remember three things my first day at Cargill: Where are the PA Mountains/Hills This is a pretty cool job I wonder what the rest of the summer is going to be like I was working at Cargill and I was going to be for the next twelve weeks the FSQR Intern, or as my one supervisor has told me, "You are going to learn so much about what we make here and the Science, Saftey, and Quality Assurance behind it that you are never going to look at food the same way again." This was exciting . My first three summers I have had great opportunities in PA Teaching with 4-H. I love this chance to really see what Food Industry is like prior to Student Teaching. This way I can have a great comparison of both prior to my final decision as to weather I want to be a teacher or not. I was very excited to be part of this great trip. Weeks one and two were pretty cool because we went through a lot of training these first two weeks at Cargill. ...