
Showing posts from May, 2017

Green Blazers and Blue Cordurory #1 - Journey So Far Part 1

#1  -  The Journey to Agricultural Education Part 1  Hi, I'm George Dietrich current undergraduate at the Pennsylvania State University in the College of Agricultural Sciences studying a dual degree in Agricultural and Extension Education and Food Science. That is a mouthful.  Yes I know, but what does that all mean? I want to be an Agriscience Teacher in a High School Setting Not so bad now right? The bottom line up top is simple: through my experiences growing up I made the decision to become an Agriscience Teacher but that wasn't an easy choice on my part.  What really began my journey was the influence of a simple youth organization: 4-H Yes that's right I started in what I consider one of the best youth organizations ever, 4-H.  I had the great opportunity of developing skills to be a leader through 4-H getting the chance to become a teen leader and eventually a state officer for 4-H.  What I enjoyed the most about 4-H thou...