How do we utilize inquiry based learning in our classrooms?
Essential Question: How do we Utilize Inquiry Based Learning in our Classroom?
For the next two weeks Penn State #PSUAgEd18 will be exploring inquiry based learning. From my personal understanding Inquiry Based Learning (Inquiry Base Instruction) is a pedagogical approach which main goal is to make the students the driver of learning and the teacher more of a facilitator.
So instead of this:
Leading to this:
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Students Response |
Inquiry Based Learning is to Problem Solving Approach as Squares are to Rectangles
Much like how all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares: all inquiry lessons are also PSA but not all PSA lessons are inquiry lessons. With problem solving approach you have steps and like in inquiry there are steps as well. When we talked about inquiry based learning with Ag Ed we really focus on five steps:
Question: A question is posed either by teacher, or by students
Investigate: The questions is investigated looking for an answer
Evidence: Evidence is gathered based upon the investigation
Connect: Evidence is connected to other classes to develop and explanation
Share: Explanation is shared in some manner
But if you are like me and don't think you can remember QIECS. Then here is a great picture of it:
I like this style of lesson because this allows for student exploration. To me it is important that students buy into their learning and this is one way to make them buy into their learning.
So far I have done two training's on inquiry based learning and taught a single lesson on inquiry based learning as well. Even though I have done that I don't fully see all the time how it is suppose to work.
This is why I am excited to explore more on inquiry based learning in the classroom. I think I really want to use this style in the classroom and am excited to attempt it but for me I think what I would really love are the Pro Tips on Inquiry Based Learning.
So instead of me focusing on what I understand on Inquiry Based Learning I would like to ask a couple of questions on Inquiry Based Learning that I would love to hear from others on their experiences on Inquiry Based Learning:
- What are ways you use Inquiry Based Learning?
- When do you decide to use Inquiry Based Learning compared to other teaching pedagogies?
- What are the challenges students have with Inquiry Based Learning?
- What are challenges as a teacher with Inquiry Based Learning?
- How do you use Inquiry Based Learning in different classes( ie: Intro to Ag, Ag Mech, Plant Sciences, ect.)?
- If you had a single Pro Tip for utilizing Inquiry Based Learning what would it be?
Daniel C. Edelson, Douglas N. Gordin, Roy D. Pea. Addressing the Challenges of InquiryBased
Learning Through Technology and Curriculum Design. The Journal of the Learning
Sciences, 1999, 8(3-4), pp.391-450.
Gormally, Cara; Brickman, Peggy; Hallar, Brittan; and Armstrong, Norris (2009) "Effects of Inquiry-based Learning on Students’
Science Literacy Skills and Confidence," International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Vol. 3: No. 2, Article 16.
Available at:
Healey, Mick. Linking research and teaching: exploring disciplinary spaces and the role of inquiry-based learning. In Barnett, R (ed) (2005) Reshaping the University: New Relationships between Research, Scholarship and Teaching. McGraw Hill / Open University Press, pp.67-78
Thoron, A.C., Myers, B.E., & Abrams, K. (2011). Inquiry-based instruction: How is it utilized accepted, and assessed in schools with national agriscience teacher ambassadors? Journal of Agriculture Education, 52(1), 96-106. DOI: 10.5032/jae.2011.01096
George, your blog post was very honest and included great visuals! Here is a resource that shows different ways to incorporate IBI into ag classes: This resource from Edutopia will also help to answer many of your questions:
ReplyDeleteGeorge, I really love every the visual aids in this blog! I especially like the pic to graph you created, it is a really simple way to get to the root of each step.